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Good Shepherd Ministry


Good Shepherd Ministry is supported by many of the churches across the circuit. It is a charity whose aim is to assist the homeless and others in need in Wolverhampton. They provide practical assistance in the form of food, clothing, bedding and toiletries – some of the basic necessities of life.

The ministry was begun in 1972 by a Roman Catholic religious order of Brothers, The Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd. The Brothers (who are now known as the Brothers of St. John of God) have projects to help the poor in many countries on all continents. You can find out more at GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRY.


Over the years the Brothers have been involved in various works to help people in need in Wolverhampton. The current project began in 2003 and takes place at 65, Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton WV1 4QU (oppostite Molineux football ground) It began in a small way but grew over the years as the need increased and more support was received from the community. Today their assistance program is operating 5 days a week, helping about 250 people each day, individuals and families.

If you would like to help or get involved you can find out more HERE.

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